At 12:37 AM 10/15/2002 -0700, Doug Ewell wrote:
>Barry Caplan <bcaplan at i18n dot com> wrote:
>What I am arguing against is going hog-wild making up new obscure
>abbreviations from the same template, and
>clogging the Unicode list with them.  Anything beyond "i18n" and "l10n"
>is tantamount to the "man with glasses smoking a cigar and drooling"
>type of smiley.

Well, some were used in jest by correspondents who often engage in wordplay on list 
and off list truth be told.

But I pointed out that the scheme is a meme picking up steam, and not just in 
software. I didn't make up a12n, even though I hadn't seen it used before. I also 
didn't make up c17g or m17n. I provided evidence of my claims that this is spreading 
by pointers to the sites.

The only reason I did that is because someone (Mark I think but I could be wrong) 
objected the entire abbreviation scheme. the point is it is not going away and it will 
probably be used more and more in different types  of places.

It occurred to me the other day, I haven't had a chance to check this and maybe 
someone else will, that all 4 character domain names under dot com domain, which means 
there may be a lot more sites of the form or

Barry Caplan

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