Yes - imagine the burden on open relay mailers when they try to blast spam to ill 
formed email addresses they harvested!

Hey wait - maybe this is a *good* idea!


At 02:12 PM 10/25/2002 +0100, Michael Everson wrote:
>At 05:31 -0700 2002-10-25, Ramiro Espinoza wrote:
>>In some latin countries the people involved in gender studies are using the 
>character "@" to mean "a/o".
>>Example: "Tod@s nosotr@s" (instead of "todos nosotros" -"All of us"-).
>>They try to give a male and female approach to the spanish generic words.
>That's pretty horrible. Why don't they just use the letter schwa? :-)
>Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

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