First, the ` is not a quote mark: it is a grave accent/ Second,  it also
doesn/t say that you can/t use a slash/ say/ instead of a comma/ apostrophe/
or period/ But that doesn/t mean it/s a good idea/

►  “Eppur si muove” ◄

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Starner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 21:02
Subject: Re: Header Reply-To

> On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 02:08:45AM +0100, Stefan Persson wrote:
> > It doesn't follow the ASCII standard as far as quotation marks are
> > concerned.
> ASCII never specifies how the quote marks are to be used; that's outside
> its scope. If someone wants to use `` '' to mark quoted material, it's
> hardly fine typography, but it's not wrong.
> --
> David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Great is the battle-god, great, and his kingdom--
> A field where a thousand corpses lie.
>   -- Stephen Crane, "War is Kind"

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