Johan Marais wrote:

Could someone tell me whether it is possible to produce the following characters please?

What do you mean by "produce", then?

- Keyboard entry:

  Your were using Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4807.1700 to send
  your question, so I assume you are using some Windows 32-bit system.
  These systems come with many keyboard layouts you can optionally
  install (or just activate, in newer Windows variants), so you can
  choose amongst them while you type. E. g., to enter a "ě" (e with
  haček, your last-but-one example), you'd choose the Czech keyboard
  layout and then hit the "2" key (there is also a dead-key "ˇ"
  available, so you need not learn the location of all those composite
  characters on the keyboard).

  Cf. <> for alternatives.

- Mouse entry:

  In Windows 2k and XP, the CHARMAP.EXE covers the whole Unicode range:
  you select a suitable font, then simply point at the character you want
  to enter, then paste it into your document via the usual Ctrl-V combo.
  Word 97 (and above) has a similar device that works even under Win-
  dows 95.

  Cf. <> for alternatives.

- Display:

  Use a TrueType WGL4 font in a Unicode-enabled application window,
  such as Word 97 (and above), Internet Explorer 5 (and above), Net-
  scape Navigator 4.7 (and above), Notepad from Windows 2k/XP, Word-
  pad (don't know from which Window versions)... Cf.
  · <>
    for suitable fonts,
  · <>
    for suitable applications.

- Printer:

  Use a PS, or PCL, printer with the same TrueType font as above.

  (At home, under Windows 95, this does not work properly, though;
  however, it does work with Win 98, NT, 2k, ME, and XP, at work.)

- E-Mail:

  Make sure that your E-Mail client tags your message with the correct
  encoding (MIME-charset). This rules out Eudora, and almost all Web
  interfaces I've seen so far.


  There are several ways to include these characters in a Web page.

  · Store your entire page in UTF-8, and make sure that the browser
    will know about it,
    cf. <>

  · Store your entire page in a suitable standard codepage, cf.
    <>, and make sure that
    the browser will know about it. (However, apparently there is
    no CP to comprise all of the characters you have mentioned).

  · Store your page in some standard CP (as above), and enter the
    particular problem characters as NCRs, cf.
    <>. Marco
    Cimarosti has given the respective numbers.

  In any case, your reader will need a suitable font (as above) and
  browser (cf. <

Best wishes,
  Otto Stolz

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