Dominikus Scherkl wrote:
> > A good example is the production of multilingual 
> > manuals, which seem to be more and more common these days.
> This is indeed a very good example.

... of something which is not very appropriate for plain text.

> > I agree that in this example, higher-level markup would do
> > all that is necessary.
> But I'd like to read a "README.TXT" with a plain-text editor.
> These files are very common - and if they're not deprecated
> using plane-14-tags would be very nice to have in an multi-language
> readme (where higher-level tagging is not available).

Why shouldn't it be possible to make a plain-text multi-language
"ReadMe.txt" without language tagging?

Language tagging conveys extra information *about* the text, which is not
*part* of the text itself. This extra information can be useful for a number
of purposes (including selecting language-specific typographic details), but
it is by no means *required* to transmit the text itself.

It is "ReadMe.txt", not "LookAtMyGorgeousTypography.txt". :-)

_ Marco

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