Otto Stolz posted on suggested values for dot and dash in Morse Code:

U+2013 was a bad idea, as some (many, most?) fonts concatenate the
U+2013 glyphs into a horizontal line. So, I think, U+002d HYPHEN-MINUS
is the better alternative.

Most Morse code instructions I've seen in the Internet, or on paper,
use U+002E FULL STOP for the Morse dot; but I think, we should rather
recommend U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT.
Microsoft Word (and possibly other word processors?) by default replaces any two occurrences of HYPHEN-MINUS with an m-dash on input. This can be turned off, but it's annoying to have to turn off something so useful for normal text entry.

Also, line-breaking after the HYPHEN-MINUS would be liable to occur in the middle of what is intended to be a complete character at a higher level.

Perhaps then U+2212 MINUS SIGN is a preferrable symbol for dash (if available in the font) as it will be left alone by higher level formatting.

U+22C5 DOT OPERATOR might also be used for the dot symbol.

Jim Allan

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