On Tuesday, November 19, 2002, at 08:49 AM, Theodore H. Smith wrote:
I want to pass some text to an ATSUI function. One of the params is "UniCharCount iTextTotalLength". Does this include surrogates? IE, is this truely a "CharCount" as it's name? Or simple a "ushort count", hence the size of the buffer / 2.

I have a strange feeling that it is the "ushort count", and not a char count like it claims.

UniCharCount is, as its name implies, a count of UniChars. UniChar is a 16 bit data type representing one UTF-16 code unit. UniChar is a bit of a misnomer, but then again I think it dates from before surrogates were invented, so it can be forgiven.

Deborah Goldsmith
Manager, Fonts & Unicode
Apple Computer, Inc.

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