At 12:29 PM 1/16/2003, Timothy Partridge wrote:

Charles Trice Martin wrote "The Record Interpreter" which lists words in
record type and their expansion. The 2nd Edition (1910) has been reprinted
many times. The 1999 reprint is a facsimile of the 1910 edition, rather than
being re-typeset.
The other standard text, which has the added benefit of being more international than _The Record Interpreter_, is Cappelli's _Lexicon abbreviaturarum_ . Other useful titles are Miller's _Abbreviations in Latin_ and Pelzer's supplement to Cappelli _Abreviations latines medievales_.

John Hudson

Tiro Typeworks

A book is a visitor whose visits may be rare,
or frequent, or so continual that it haunts you
like your shadow and becomes a part of you.
- al-Jahiz, The Book of Animals

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