Kent Karlsson wrote,

> > I add that this is a good way of displaying a combining mark that has no
> > base character, i.e. one occurring at the begin of a line or paragraph.
> No, those should be displayed *as if* preceded by a SPACE (TUS 3.0 page 121).

So it says.  But, the 'space method' could be interpreted as being under
the "Simple Overlap" fallback rendering method, since the paragraph from
which you are quoting appears immediately after the paragraph treating 
with "Simple Overlap" method.

In the first paragraph under "Fallback Rendering" (bottom of page 120), 
the "Show Hidden" method is described.  It would have been redundant to 
say that degenerate cases **under the "Show Hidden" method** need to
be displayed as if on a dotted circle, since the "Show Hidden" method
is **all about displaying on dotted circles** whenever there is an
inability to draw the sequence.  Like, in the event of an invalid

Whether to use "Show Hidden" or "Simple Overlap" method to display 
invalid or degenerate sequences should be left up to the various
software developers.

It does seem to be very easy to spot bad input when the dotted circle
appears in the display.  Stands out like a sore thumb, which was
probably the intention.

Perhaps this section of T.U.S. could stand some clarification.

Best regards,

James Kass

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