On 2003.01.29, 05:52, Aditya Gokhale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1. In Marathi and Sanskrit language two characters glyphs of 'la' and
> 'sha' are represented differently as shown in the image below -
> (First glyph is 'la' and second one is 'sha')
> as compared to Hindi where these character glyphs are represented as
> shown in the image below -
> (First glyph is 'la' and second one is 'sha')

Not very different from the serbian vs. russian rendition of cyrillic
lower case "i" in italics. There are more examples, though (almost?)
none in the latin script.

--                                                                   ____.
António MARTINS-Tuválkin                                            |  ()|
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                           |####|
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PT-1885-050 MOSCAVIDE (LRS)              Não me invejo de quem tem       |
+351 917 511 459                         carros, parelhas e montes       |
http://www.tuvalkin.web.pt/bandeira/     só me invejo de quem bebe       |
http://pagina.de/bandeiras/              a água em todas as fontes       |

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