Doug Ewell noted:

> As for Issue #6, "Unicode 4.0 Alpha data," there hasn't been much new to
> review so far.  The first Unicode Data.txt file to contain the new
> character assignments in Unicode 4.0 was posted only a few hours ago!
> Eleven days might not be much time to check through 1200+ new
> characters.  I will, however, state the obvious by pointing out that the
> Scripts.txt file (among others) needs to be updated to reflect the new
> characters.

The beta review for the 4.0.0 version of the Unicode Character
Database is coming. It will be formally announced once the
editorial committee can get a core set of data files up and available. 
As Doug noted, the first version of UnicodeData.txt with the full
set of additions for Unicode 4.0 was just posted last night.

There will be some instability of files in the 4.0-Update
directory for a few days as we roll out additions before
the formal announcement. Unless you are a gung-ho pioneer,
you might want to hold back until the formal beta
announcement. :-)

In the meantime, don't worry about the February 14 deadline for
alpha review. That will be superseded by the dates for
the beta review. However, the earlier the UTC can get
feedback on errors found in the data, the sooner the committee
can get to a final release of Unicode 4.0.


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