SRIDHARAN Aravind wrote:
My database is Oracle and its character set is WE8ISO8859P1.
In database, I have stored special Polish characters.
First of all, the database character set is ISO 8859-1 which cannot represent "special Polish characters". In all likelyhood, you have taken a byte stream in some other encoding and stuck it into the database anyway. With some luck, those same bytes may have actually made it into the database unscathed - or maybe not.

You need to identify the encoding that you get your data in - with J2EE, you are using Unicode (UTF-16) internally. Reasonable database encodings that let you not trash your text data include UTF-16 and UTF-8.

You need to identify and label in the page what you serve as HTML. Usually for this from J2EE you would use UTF-8.

If you use different encodings in different places, you need to use the correct conversions. See the Java tutorials, Oracle manuals, etc.

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