In the context of Tamazight input Philippe Verdy wrote:
[ . . . ]
> There are probably some existing standard for keyboard mappings, promoted by
> UNESCO and published in a ISO standard.

If there were such a thing (for Tamazight or any other African language) I'd be 
very interested to know about it.  My impression is that there are no such 
standards for African languages that use extended Latin characters.  In fact 
SIL is apparently working with UNESCO on a proposed keyboard layout for African 
languages precisely because there is not yet any such standardization. See
site_id=nrsi&item_id=AfricanKeyboard1 .  Likewise, part of the reason for all 
the effort re keyboards that you see at 
is that there lack any standards.

Ultimately, however, we may be talking about not one keyboard that covers all 
languages nor keyboards for each language, but, as Marcel Diki-Kidiri of CNRS 
has suggested elsewhere, several layouts that would each cover a region or 
number of countries and all the languages therein.

This may be a bit off-topic for the Unicode list but is definitely on-topic for 
the a12n-collaboration group for any who want to pursue it there.

Don Osborn

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