Ben Dougall asked:

> On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 02:10  pm, Philippe Verdy wrote:
> > Interestingly, the French first-level quotation marks use what we call 
> > "chevrons" (double angle brackets).

> are they something that's in unicode? apart from the less than and 
> greater than < > symbols i can't see anything like that.

Double guillemets: U+00AB, U+00BB
Guillemets:        U+2039, U+203A

In general, when people are interested in classes of characters,
like this, a quick trip into the Unicode Character Database is
a useful thing to do. In particular, look for the list of
characters with the property "Quotation_Mark" in:

> thanks for the info. whenever i try and find out about this sort of 
> thing one thing always becomes very apparent. there's no blanket rules 
> that apply. at least not obvious, immediate ones.

A general discussion of "Language-Based Usage of Quotation Marks"
can be found in Chapter 6 of the standard:


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