        thanks for the response. Is it possible to integrate glyph for
bold and italic in arialuni.ttf or can I have one font which support all
the languages and also have related glyph for bold and italic.


-----Original Message-----
From: Edward H Trager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 12:23 PM
To: Jain, Pankaj (MED, TCS)
Subject: Re: Problem with Arial Unicode MS font for BOLD/ITALICS in PDF

To my knowledge, MS Arial Unicode does not contain glyphs for bold and
italic styles. For Latin and the other blocks of Unicode covered in the
standard Arial font, there are bold and italic versions:

arial.ttf    - Standard arial
arialbd.ttf  - bold
arialbi.ttf  - bold italic
ariali.ttf   - italic
arialuni.ttf - Arial unicode, which only has a normal face.

On Thu, 19 Jun 2003, Jain, Pankaj (MED, TCS) wrote:

> Hi All,
>     I am generating the PDF using XSLFO/FOP and Arial Unicode MS font
> for Global languages.And during Implementation I found that
> character are not appearing  in bold/Italic in PDF which was coming
> properly perfect with other font like courier. Please let me know if
> there is any Issue with Arial Unicode Font for Bold/Italic or I need
> make some other configuration to fix it.
> The font configuration setup is:
> <font metrics-file="ARIALUNI.xml"
> embed-file="c:\WINNT\fonts\ARIALUNI.ttf" kerning="yes">
>     <font-triplet name="ArialUnicodeMS" style="normal"
>     <font-triplet name="ArialUnicodeMS" style="normal" weight="bold"/>
>     <font-triplet name="ArialUnicodeMS" style="italic"
>    <font-triplet name="ArialUnicodeMS" style="italic" weight="bold"/>
> </font>
> Thanks
> Pankaj

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