Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo dot fr> wrote:

> The current use of CGJ is for sequences like:
> <b>+<o, CGJ>+<e>+<u>+<f> and <e>+<f, CGJ>+<f>+<e>+<t>
> which still encode the French words "boeuf" and "effet", where the
> author gives a hint to display the sequence "oe" as a single ligated
> form instead of two separate grapheme clusters, despite this
> corresponds to the "classic" semantic of such sequence, including for
> collation/sorting.  Its use is then typographic, and enhance the
> readability.

No, that's not right.  ZWJ can be used as a hint to ligate Latin
letters, but not CGJ.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

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