
I am drafting a website on everything you ever wanted to about Greek and Unicode --- more from a historical/linguistic than a practical viewpoint. This is far from complete, and will take months to, particularly as I am doing all the character stories ever for Greek. It also is not particularly referenced at the moment, and contains assertions I will have to moderate, etc. Particularly when I presume to expound on the politics of getting codepoints changed.

Nonetheless, you might find the page on prosgegrammeni informative: http://www.opoudjis.net/unicode/unicode_adscript.html . As you'll see there, I regard the current treatment of prosgegrammeni casing a misfeature, but I have no interest in proposing a revision of the case mapping, even though (Thank God) that property is not normative as far as I know.

Feel free to comment to me offline, threaten me with litigation, etc. (Seriously, I do not speak for the Unicode Consortium nor intend to, but I also don't wish to misrepresent it; so if something in there is injudicious, please let me know.) Like I say, the page is very much in draft still, but I've got enough there now to solicit comment on.
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* Dr Nick Nicholas, French & Italian Studies [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
Rm 637 Arts Centre, Melbourne University, Australia www.opoudjis.net
* "Eschewing obfuscatory verbosity of locutional rendering, the *
circumscriptional appelations are excised." --- W. Mann & S. Thompson,
* _Rhetorical Structure Theory: A Theory of Text Organisation_, 1987. *
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