Philippe Verdy scripsit:

> Where does the fact of saying that a Grapheme Disjoiner can be used
> in Turkish to avoid that the f collapses the dot above a next lowercase i?

It is settled that ZWNJ is the correct character to break ligatures.
ZWJ means "make a ligature if you can; if not, shape characters to
joining forms if you can; if not that either, do nothing."  ZWNJ means
"break ligatures, if any, and shape characters to non-joining forms,
if possible."

> I'm still convinced that a ligature is still possible for a turkish <f,
> dotted-i> sequence, using <f, i, dot-above>. The ligature would apply
> to the middle bar of the <f> joined with the top serif of the <i>,
> but the top-right loop of the f would simply be a small horital bar,
> disjoined from the dot still present on the i.

Yes, theoretically.  Whether that is good Turkish typography is a different
question, which AFAIK prefers simply an f-glyph followed by an i-glyph with
no ligaturing.

IIRC, Portuguese traditional typography also avoids the fi-ligature, even though
the language has no dotless-i.

> The same ligature could be used for the encoded sequence <f, dotless-i>, 

I doubt that any font has a ligature for this combination at all.

> So the encoded sequence <i, dot-above> is now made "equivalent"
> (for rendering purpose) to <dotless-i, dot-above> (despite they are
> not canonically equivalent per UAX#15: NFC/D) and not "equivalent"
> to an isolated <i> (not followed above diacritics)...

There is no guarantee that the native i dot looks the same as the dot above
in a given font (it may have different vertical kerning or even a different
shape), nor is there any guarantee that the i with its dot removed looks
the same as the dotless-i.

"'My young friend, if you do not now, immediately and instantly, pull
as hard as ever you can, it is my opinion that your acquaintance in the
large-pattern leather ulster' (and by this he meant the Crocodile) 'will
jerk you into yonder limpid stream before you can say Jack Robinson.'"
        --the Bi-Coloured-Python-Rock-Snake

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