I remember hearing the script called something like 'Sutterlin'--have never
seen it written so no idea how it is spelled... Anyone happen to know?

> > Is that the script where minimum comes out looking like:
> >
> >         /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
> >
> > (Ie, m => /\/\/\, n => /\/\, u => /\/\, i => /\ ?)
> >
> > NB how the i is dotless.  (I can just see the [useless] debate
> > of whether that should then be encoded as U+0069 or U+0131. :)
> No.  There must be a kind of `dot' for the i and a kind of `breve'
> sign above the u.  Additionally, the connecting lines between the
> characters are wider, something like
>              /          /              \/
>   /| /| /|  /|  /| /|  /|  /| /| /|  /| /|  /| /| /|
>    |/ |/ |/  |/  |/ |/  |/  |/ |/ |/  |/ |/  |/ |/ |/
>      Werner

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