Michael Everson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 20:17 +0100 2003-07-15, Thomas M. Widmann wrote:
> >
> > But if that criterion is applied, surely Georgian Xucuri/Khutsuri
> > should be separated from Georgian Mxedruli/Mkhedruli: Although
> > there roughly is a one-to-one correspondence between the two, and
> > although both are generally applied to the same language (though
> > normally to different stages of it), they definitely are not
> > mutually intelligible (and in fact knowledge of Xucuri seems to be
> > quite low in Georgia).
> The UTC has agreed that we should do this. After 8 years or so of my
> whining.... ;-)

That's excellent news!

Well whined! ;-)

Thomas Widmann, MA      +44  141 419 9872       Glasgow, Scotland, EU
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             http://www.widmann.uklinux.net

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