Try universal detector in mozilla tree, most eastern asia character set encodings can be detected with high accuracy.


Yogesh Kumar Ahuja wrote:

Can any body give me the path/url to get a Char set Detector. which can
detect the char set's encoding scheme ..atleast for shift_jis and big5.
I downloaded from mozilla and build it. It's working fine for UTF8 but
failing for shift_jis and big5 in some cases. I'm working on HP unix. If any
body is working on same type of work let me know please.


A wicked person is born of jealousy.
Out of selfishness and anger he complains about unfairness towards himself. A benevolent person always has a heart of compassion.
With no discontentment or hatred, he takes hardship as joy. An enlightened person has no attachments at all.
He quietly observes the people of the world deluded by illusions. ----By Mr. Li Hongzhi, the master of Falun Dafa.

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