On 20/07/2003 13:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At 12:38 -0700 2003-07-20, Peter Kirk wrote:

Indeed. Where can I get the Last Resort font for Windows (2000)? If the answer is nowhere, I guess I am stuck with Arial Unicode MS or the horrible-looking (the J always grates!) Code2000.

I'll go have a chat with some of my Apple colleagues about this.

It's unlikely that your Apple colleagues can do anything for the "J" in Code2000.

Best regards,

James Kass

James, just to clarify since you are here: I am very grateful for the fonts Code2000 and Code2001 and that you have made these so easily available at http://home.att.net/~jameskass/. I don't like some of the glyph shapes, especially the J with a cross-bar like a T. But it is a lot better than nothing. When I need nice glyphs for particular Unicode ranges, I look elsewhere, though sometimes in vain. For example, who else even tries to cover the mathematial symbols in plane 1, at least in a downloadable font?

Peter Kirk

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