On 27/07/2003 20:46, John Cowan wrote:

Frank da Cruz scripsit:

This sort of thing is endlessly fascinating to (some of) us Americans,
whose concepts of "nation" and "state" are so simplistic :-)  Here's
my attempt to sort it out:


It is in constant need of revision and refinement.

It's not really true that the "traditional, historical, and geographical" county names shift, and it is perfectly correct to use them in the post. ...

Well, yes, but only to the extent that the Royal Mail ignores anything you write in the county line, at least if it is otherwise correctly addressed. This is about as meaningful as saying that the normal syntax rules are not enfored in comment lines in a computer program.

-- Peter Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://web.onetel.net.uk/~peterkirk/

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