On Sat, 2003-08-02 at 06:32, Theodore H. Smith wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have some questions on the ZWNBS. While I don't actually need this 
> myself, someone I know needs this.
> > Where? Specifically, where does it say FEFF shouldn't be in a string?
> > Certainly, FEFF shouldn't be considered a BOM anywhere but at the start
> > of a string, but does it say you just can't use that value? And if so,
> > how are you supposed to use a ZWNBSP?!
> I'm thinking that 0xFEFF shouldn't be in a UTF16BE string, except at 
> the start right?
> For other kinds of UTF, I'm not sure if it is allowed or not. I know it 
> is allowed in UTF16LE, although discouraged.
> Instead of "can't use ZWNBS", I think that char is discouraged. Where 
> is the rule that discourages it?

As far as I know, the only rules here are:

 The character U+FEFF *should* occur at the start of a UTF16 (either
 endianness) text to act as the BOM.

 The non-character U+FFFE should not occur in any encoding of Unicode;
 this means that the *byte sequence* 0xFE 0xFF should not occur in a
 UTF-16LE string.

ZWNBS can be a useful character (to suppress a line break), and there 
is no reason not to use it.


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