Let me try to clarify.

- This list is the place for people to raise questions, and there are
many people on the list who will provide answers. To reduce
duplication and noise, it does help if newbies (and even more
experienced people) consult the FAQ list before raising questions.

- People (the original questioner, the original answerer, or anyone
else on the list) are encouraged to submit any Q&A pair to the FAQ
list. The Q&A pair is reviewed by the editorial committee. If
suitable, it is added to the list, perhaps after being rewritten
somewhat, with credit to the original answerer.

- Thus http://www.unicode.org/reporting.html is not for people to ask
questions on; it is for people to submit Q&A pairs on. I'll ask our
"FAQ-Meister" to make that clearer.

►  “Eppur si muove” ◄

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 02:36
Subject: RE: Assume everything on this list is ignored

> Isn't the very notion of "submit[ting] a FAQ question" a
contradiction in
> terms? Surely, one merely ASKS a question. If enough people ask the
> question, we may then classify it as "frequently asked".
> It's like this. Newbies want to find things out. So they read books,
> look around on the web. Eventually, they'll encounter some point of
> confusion they can't resolve by their own research (or don't have
time to
> thoroughly research), so they will then find some forum to join in
the hope
> of finding somebody there who will know the answer.
> This forum -- indeed, ANY forum -- will have questions asked on it.
Some of
> them may be asked frequently. These are, by definition, Frequently
> Questions _of the forum_. Forum FAQs are generally put together by
> members of forums who are sick of having to answer the same question
> and over again to all these damn newbies, or by other long-term
members who
> simply wish to cut down the traffic on the list.
> Now this is, in fact, rather curious. Because the web page
> http://www.unicode.org/consortium/distlist.html implies that _this_
> (described as the "Unicode Public E-mail List") is _the_ place for
> public to go to "pose questions to the community of Unicode users".
> SAME PARAGRAPH that web page says "as a courtesy to others on the
> please check the ... Frequently Asked Questions [at
> http://www.unicode.org/faq/]";. (Which I did).
> Now, if it is true, as Mark Davis suggests, that the Frequently
> Questions list at "http://www.unicode.org/faq/"; is unrelated to this
> then:
> (1) This should be made clear on the consortium's web page
> (http://www.unicode.org/consortium/distlist.html), which currently
> that the stated FAQ is the FAQ _of this list_, and
> (2) This list should have a FAQ of its own, independent of the
> FAQ, and maintained by long-term members of this list (i.e. by those
who are
> in a position to know which questions are, in fact, frequently
> ...and for what it's worth, the consortium's submission form at
> http://www.unicode.org/reporting.html seems (a) difficult to find
> knowing the URL (I couldn't find it anyway, at least not by starting
> www.unicode.org and clicking on links from there), and (b)
intimidating --
> it is not worded to encourage the "I don't understand feature XYZ"
type of
> question from the public. I am therefore forced to wonder who
> _asks_ these frequently asked questions of theirs.
> Just my thoughts. Please don't take of this too seriously.
> Jill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Cowan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 1:35 AM
> To: Mark Davis
> Subject: Re: Assume everything on this list is ignored (was Re:
> Question - what are all those duplicated characters FO R?)
> Mark Davis scripsit:
> > If you want to submit a FAQ question

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