Doug Ewell wrote:
Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin <antonio at tuvalkin dot web dot pt> wrote:

The bad part of it is that the ligated characters shown (in the
sencond and third examples) seem to include a long "s" instead of an
"f"... > <ty_06.gif> attached for reference.
Thanks for the report, I’ll forward to the Photoshop guys. By the way, the font is apparently Adobe Caslon Pro.

Substituting an unligated ſi (U+017F + U+0069) for fi (U+0066 + U+0069)
makes no sense at all.  If the current font doesn't contain an fi
ligature (U+FB01), Photoshop should just leave the combination alone.
More likely, the image was created in Illustrator or some such, and the glyph selected manually by the author. I did not check explicitly, but I am ready to bet a whole lot that the font does the correct thing.


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