Doug Ewell wrote:
> [...]
> (BTW, pet peeve:  The word "acronym" should only be used to mean a
> pronounceable WORD ("nym") formed from the initials of other words.
> Classic examples are "scuba" and "radar."  If you can figure 
> out how to pronounce "qbcs," more power to you, but to me it's just
> an abbreviation.)

Right, sorry.

(I can pronounce ['kubks], although I wouldn't do it in front of my managers
and customers. :-)

Actually, I don't like this "QBCS" term and I'd rather avoid saying it
myself. But I wanted to be sure other people mean when they use it.

> [...]
> > So what it really means must be "quadra-byte character
> > encoding", and both GB 18030 and UTF-32 should fit
> > into that category.
> GB 18030, yes, because its code units vary from one to four bytes in
> length.  UTF-32, no, because its code units are uniformly 32 bits.

But UTF-8 fits the definition.

_ Marco

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