FYI from NSAI to the 3166 Maintenance Agency and to TC46 Secretariat.

Ireland does not support the recent decision of the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency, reassiging "CS" (formerly Czechoslovakia) to Serbia and Montenegro. It is believed that this will cause non-trivial problems for data integrity and identification. Country codes are a basic element in modern computing: all major operating systems, business applications, identification systems, security systems, postal services, and the internet domain-name structure all make use of these codes. The Maintenance Agency must guarantee stability to all user groups associated with these applications. While the rules state that a code can be reassigned after five years, this is considered quite unrealistic in a modern environment, where the data will be with us for decades.

Ireland requests that the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency take the following actions:

1. Immediately rescind the re-assignment of the code "CS" to Serbia and Montenegro and assign a new code to Serbia and Montenegro. We note that SQ, SS, SW, SX, CB, CE, CJ, CQ, and CT, as well as MB, ME, MF, MI, and MJ are available. But indeed any string other than CS will be suitable.

2. Immediately change the policy to allow the re-use of codes only after a significant period of time. We suggest 100 years.
Michael Everson

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