Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo dot fr> wrote:

> 2. The initial spec of UTF-32 and UTF-8 by ISO allowed much more
> planes with 31-bit codepoints, and may be there will be an agreement
> sometime in the future between ISO and Unicode to define new
> codepoints out of the current standard 17 first planes that can be
> safely converted with UTF-16, or a mechanism will be specified to
> allow mapping more planes to UTF-16, but this is currently not a
> priority as long as there remains unallocated space in the BMP to
> define new types and ranges of surrogates for "hyperplanes", something
> that is still possible near the Hangul block, just before the existing
> low and high surrogates).

Don't even begin to count on this.  U+10FFFF will most assuredly be the
upper limit as long as you and I are here to talk about it.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

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