Further to my earlier reply to Simon Baker about the "correct" symbol for 
the Australian dollar, the "official" position is documented at 
http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/0/c7103f5100c7663fca2569de00293f3c?

Regarding the currency symbols, the specific recommendation of the 
Decimal Currency Board were that:

"(a) the symbol for the dollar is $ a capital S with two vertical 
strokes; acceptable alternatives may be used, for example, an S crossed 
by one vertical stroke;

(b) the symbol for the cent is a small letter c; again acceptable 
alternatives may be used, for example, a c with a stroke through it or 
some stylised version of the c;

(c) where it is necessary to distinguish the Australian dollar from 
overseas currencies, the letter A should be placed immediately after the 
dollar sign - $A;"

These specific recommendations were to be read in the context of the 
Board's overall recommendations that:

"It is not considered practicable to prescribe, for all purposes, exact 
symbols for dollars and cents, or precise methods of expressing dollars 
and cents in words or figures"

and, also,

"The symbols chosen to express dollars and cents should involve the 
minimum change to existing printing and other equipment"

So it seems that Simon's and my instruction at school were both far more 
rigid than what was officially intended.

Incidentally, as far as I know, neither the dollar symbol nor cent symbol 
have ever appeared on Australia's paper money or coinage.

Is this unusual?


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