I agree --  this is pointless. The UTC has discussed this before, and I don't
think there is any chance that the UTC would add either:
(a) made-up hexadecimal digits that differ in shape from A-F, or
(b) glyphic clones of A-F that were hexadecimal digits.

â ààààààààààààààààààààà â

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kent Karlsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Jill Ramonsky'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 2003 Nov 10 06:14
Subject: RE: Hexadecimal digits?

> Jill Ramonsky wrote:
> > example a file called "File99" will sort just before "File100".
> > "File99A" will slot between them, but "File992" will go after
> > them. It's all pretty much exactly what you'd expect.
> Really!? Would you not expect 99A to come (much) after 99?!
> After all, 99A (in hexadecimal) is greater than 99 (hexadecimal).
> I'm sorry, I could not let this one go ;-).
> (Most people use decimal, you included I would guess, so I'm
> NOT suggesting any change to the ordering you referred to.)
> Can we end this thread on hexadecimal now? I'm sure it
> doesn't lead anywhere.
> /kent k

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