Frank Yung-Fong Tang wrote,

> If you visit 
> http://people.netscape.com/ftang/testscript/gb18030/gb18030.cgi?page=596 
> and your machine have surrogate support install correctly and surrogate 
> font install correctly then you should see surrogate characters show up 
> match the gif. 

It isn't working, but I have surrogate support and a font correctly

The page looks like it is calling for Unicode characters to display,
example 𠀀, but the HTML header says "GB-18030" for the characters
set.  Could this be the problem, or are Unicode and GB18030 matched 
for plane two and for HTML numeric characters references?

Each single Plane Two character is displaying as two missing glyphs,
if that is an extra clue.

Best regards,

James Kass

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