Philippe Verdy scripsit:

> XML files are definitely NOT plain text (if this was the case, then it would
> be forbidden to interpret "<" as a special markup character instead of the
> standard Unicode base character with its associated glyph)...

You might as well say that C code is not plain text because it too is
subject to special canons of interpretation.  But both XML/HTML/SGML
and the various programming languages are plain text: they are written
with plain-text editors, manipulated with plain-text tools, and can be
rendered with plain-text renderers.  The fact that other things can be
done with them is neither here nor there.

"In my last lifetime,                           John Cowan
I believed in reincarnation;          
in this lifetime,                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't."  --Thiagi                   

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