On 23/12/2003 02:06, Michael Everson wrote:

At 21:36 -0800 2003-12-22, Doug Ewell wrote:

Maybe not as far as whether it will actually be encoded. We do know that "Accordance with the Roadmap" is often the sole justification for the code positions specified in proposals, as discussed in a thread some months ago.

Excuse me? Are you irritated about something, Doug?

When I fill out the proposal summary form, I do NOT bother to rehash all the reasons why we decided to put something on the BMP or the SMP. Why? Because it isn't a good use of our time to rehash all of these things and pour out the history of why we thought it would be good to put something where. "Accordance with the Roadmap" is often the sole justification that I bother to put in the Proposal Summary form. But it reflects consensus about where the Roadmap Committee thinks things ought to go. You may remember that Ken convinced me to move Phoenician to the SMP at one stage in favour of Arabic Extensions. I suppose that's in the archives somewhere, where some future Historian of Unicode (hi there!) can find it.

As the subject line here is still about Aramaic, I shall remind you all that that script is a good example of a script which has been roadmapped for the BMP as a misunderstanding. If there is such a script at all distinct from the Hebrew script, it is one which died out, and was replaced by other encoded or roadmapped scripts, more than 2000 years ago. So this is a case where the original decisions of the Roadmap Committee need reviewing. That decision was based on N2311 which, as James points out, notes twice that "Further research is required". The UTC should make sure that such research has been done properly, and not allow provisional decisions taken on the basis of incomplete research to become standardised by default.

Peter Kirk
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (personal)

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