Michael (michka) Kaplan <michka at trigeminal dot com> wrote:

> Adam was looking for this work, already done. And he gave a sample of
> what he was hoping would exit, out in the wild.

What he said was, "I'm looking for a way to compile a table..."

> So I was merely pointing out a bunch of reasons why this was not a
> practical thing to want, so he should not be too disappointed when he
> did not find it (since by its very nature it would be incomplete).

Clearly, the success or failure of a project like this depends entirely
on expectations.

> If there is interest in trying to develop a format and subsequently
> fill it, then that is great. But is it really a good idea to discuss
> such a project in *this* forum? And does it really meet the criteria
> Adam laid out?

I can think of many discussions we've had here lately that were much
farther off topic.  At least Adam's prototype table defined the
characters by USV.  As for his criteria, they didn't seem fully
specified to me (except that he wanted to be able to find out how to
type a-acute on different keyboards), so I guess only Adam could be the

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

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