Deepak Chand Rathore wrote:
                                        unicode range
utf 8 encoded bytes
U-00000000 - U-0000007F:        0xxxxxxx        
U-00000080 - U-000007FF:        110xxxxx 10xxxxxx       
U-00000800 - U-0000FFFF:        1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx      
> ...

This table is not correct. Please check Unicode 3.2 or Unicode 4 for the correct table.

Table 3.1B. Legal UTF-8 Byte Sequences in
Conformance chapter in

But, there is one concern. In some cases the utf8 byte stream starts with a
BOM,( for eg. when we try reading bytes from a text file that
is saved using notepad (using utf8 option )in WIN2k, after first few bytes(
i suppose first 3 bytes), the actual text start.
So how do we detect whether the byte stream starts with a BOM or not ??
or the first few bytes represent BOM or the actual text ??

There is a whole FAQ section on this topic at

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