This is your friendly reminder that the February UTC meeting is quickly  
approaching. There are several public review issues open. So far, public  
comment has been light. I hope you have all been working diligently on your  
comments during the cold dark days of winter and are ready to spring them  
on us.

Please point your browsers at if you  
wish to post your valuable feedback for UTC review. Mail list discussions  
are *not* automatically submitted to UTC.

The public review issues are posted at

1. The Unicode 4.0.1 beta period is still open. In addition to Unihan  
database updates, there are important proposed changes in UAX #9, #11, and  
#29. Of particular interest to some will be the proposed changes in UAX #9  

2. Public Review Issues #20 and #25 involve proposed draft or update UTRs  
upon which comment is sought.

3. Important character property changes for a number of characters are  
proposed in issues #26 and #27. Please read the associated documents.

If you need to submit documents beyond what the online feedback form can  
accommodate, please contact me off list.


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