Ar 03:17 -0800 2004/03/18, scríobh Peter Kirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>An alternative for Marion, if her company still has rights to the fonts
>which it so expensively developed to serve her country, would be to
>distribute those fonts widely (and that probably means free of charge)
>in Ireland and among others who might want a Celtic type script, and to
>promote them heavily among those interested in authentic Irish script.
>Giving away good fonts is more likely to work than boycotting bad ones.

I agree.

The only difficulty, Peter, is that, whereas the earliest versions of the
better fonts bear my company's copyright notice, that notice is missing
from versions of those same fonts produced in latter years. If you can
persuade the company whose copyright notice they currently bear to agree to
your proposal, as set out above, mine will not object to that.

Marion Gunn * EGTeo (Estab.1991)
27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn, Baile an
Bhóthair, Co. Átha Cliath, Éire.

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