On 31/03/2004 14:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Peter Kirk scripsit:

But, as Ken has just clarified, with NBSP Louis' neck may be stretched rather uncomfortably, if not cut completely. Here is what I don't want to see (fixed width font required):

Louis XVI was
guillotined in

This, however, is a matter of presentation rather than semantics, and as such fitly belongs in the realm of presentational markup. In HTML, one might specify <tt>&nbsp;</tt> to generate a fixed-width space.

I disagree. Surely there is something SEMANTICALLY different about the space in "Louis XVI". One semantic difference is that it is non-breaking. But another one is that these words should not be split apart. An additional semantic distinction might be that they should be treated as one word for the purposes of word breaking algorithms.

Peter Kirk
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (personal)

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