At 01:29 PM 4/7/2004, Richard Cook wrote:
On Wed, 7 Apr 2004, Peter Constable wrote:

> They were encoded that way some while before they were accepted in
> Unicode. Also, until Unicode 4.1 is published, there is a possibility
> that codepoints may change.

I see. I assumed the codepoint assignments were already firm.

Codepoints are subject to revision until publication.

Actually, there's a stage in the ISO process after which the only
way a codepoint could change would be rejection of the entire amendment,
which is much, much less likely than changes during committee deliberation
and earlier ballot stages.

That period of nearly approved additions may overlap the beta period
for a Unicode version, but for 4.1 we are not nearly there yet.

So, for simplicity, it's just easiest to stick with 'nothing's guaranteed
until published'.


PS: For details on the ISO stages see the section on our website on
submitting proposals.

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