At <>, it is said:

> Things rumored to be scripts, but not clearly enough attested for us
> to even determine whether they are "known scripts".
> Aymara 
> Paucartambo 
> Sidetic 
> Tartaria (Old European ideographs from Romania) 
> Woleai/Caroline 

Shouldn’t the Easter Island “script” be added to this list? FWIW, I
couldn’t find any reference to either "Páscua", "Easter", "Rapa Nui"
or "Te Pito o Te Henua" in using the search engine.

--                                                                ____.
António MARTINS-Tuválkin                                         |  ()|
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                        |####|
PT-1XXX-XXX LISBOA                       Não me invejo de quem tem    |
+351 934 821 700                         carros, parelhas e montes    |     só me invejo de quem bebe    |              a água em todas as fontes    |

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