> From: "Philippe Verdy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Is that a contribution of the Unicode Consortium to the OpenI18n.org
> project (former li18nux.org, maintained with most help from the
> FSF), or a decision to make the OpenI18n.org project be more open by
> pushing it to a more visible standard?

More on the latter, but slightly different. We believe it would be
good for both opensource community and commercial IT industry that we
transfer (at least a part of) the project to Unicode Consortium, after
hearing the concerns on difficulty of some commercial companies to
join the project due to the strong perception of OpenI18N.org as
opensource/Linux advocates, even though CLDR project is not
specifically bound to Linux.

We hope this transfer would gain further participations from wider

Regarding confusions, I have to say it is anticipated, since the project
is still in transition(for example, OpenI18N.org side has not been
finished necessary procedure to finalize this, so OpenI18N.org does
not have a press release statement ready yet - this announcement is a
little too early), I guess it will all be sorted out as time goes by. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED],OpenI18N.org,li18nux.org,unicode.org,sun.com} 
Chair, OpenI18N.org/The Free Standards Group          http://www.OpenI18N.org
Architect/Sr. Staff Engineer, Sun Microsystems, Inc, USA   eFAX: 509-693-8356

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