On 2004.04.15, 19:47, Kenneth Whistler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 0140;LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT;Ll;0;L;<compat> 006C 00B7;...
> The character *was* in ISO 6937 for Catalan.

And mistakenly so.

> Noting the Catalan association in the Unicode names list is
> different from any recommendation that U+0140 is the preferred
> character for the representation of l followed by a middle dot in
> Catalan text.

But it is surely an excellent way to contribute to the (false) idea
that Unicode doesn't serve the need of minority languages. :-( Is it
so difficult to replace or remove that misleading indication?...

--                                                                ____.
António MARTINS-Tuválkin                                         |  ()|
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                        |####|
PT-1XXX-XXX LISBOA                       Não me invejo de quem tem    |
+351 934 821 700                         carros, parelhas e montes    |
http://www.tuvalkin.web.pt/bandeira/     só me invejo de quem bebe    |
http://pagina.de/bandeiras/              a água em todas as fontes    |

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