On 03/05/2004 19:04, Michael Everson wrote:

At 09:41 -0700 2004-05-03, Peter Kirk wrote:

If your support had been cited in the original proposal with your arguments, rather a lot of spilled electrons could have been saved. Well, I guess it is not too late to include them in a revised proposal.

What format would you like that addition to have? ...

I'll leave that to you, but for a start you can name Deborah Anderson as a user of the script with whom you have had contact. And yourself if you like, as far as I am concerned.

... While I am pleased that you are happier, my own interest is in the technical accuracy of the code chart and character names, not in *justifying* its inclusion.

Well, I hope the UTC is concerned with the justification of new proposals, and not just their technical accuracy. They were obviously concerned that the Klingon proposal was not properly justified, and so rejected it. If your proposal is not to suffer the same fate, it needs proper justification.

Peter Kirk
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (personal)

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