African Oracle wrote:

This mail is written with the Yoruba Keyboard that was rolled out yetserday.
Please just look at the issue raised earlier raised.


Looking at the above it is obvious that the acute on top of the e and o with
dot below is a bit too high almost to the point of looking like a cedilla
under E.

That is entirely dependent on the font, regardless of how the diacritic is encoded. Quite simply, this is not an encoding issue.

In transit the acute and the grave could be removed by just putting the
cursor in between áÌ and áÌ because ther are combined in a way that is not

It even becomes a compounded problem during copying and pasting because the
accent occupy two cursor space. I still think with all these observations
something must be done.

Cursor positioning is something that happens at a higher level than character encoding, and there are several different models for cursor positioning in combining character sequences, implemented by different software developers and often varying according to script.

By the way, are you familiar with the A12n Collaboration project for African computing? Encoding, fonts and keyboard layouts for African languages have been quite extensively discussed on that mailing list, and there is a higher number of African participants than on the Unicode list. For details, see and, for mailing list subscription,

John Hudson


Tiro Typeworks
Vancouver, BC        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I often play against man, God says, but it is he who wants
  to lose, the idiot, and it is I who want him to win.
And I succeed sometimes
In making him win.
             - Charles Peguy

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