Dean Snyder wrote:

Furthermore, this has the advantage of side-
stepping the whole issue of the origins of the Greek alphabet along with
its subsequent Mediterranean script descendants, while not mucking up
Canaanite which is already encoded in Unicode, albeit somewhat
"prematurely", or "misnamed", as Hebrew.

Can we live cosmetic issues like the name out of it? OK, so "Hebrew" is really "Jewish Aramaic," and it's ironic that we're working on encoding a Samaritan block distinct from the Hebrew block. Lots of things are badly named, and bad names sometimes stick. But naming issues like this (what do we name this block? That name is a bad choice...) are irrelevant to the discussion. They just make the discussions longer, but don't affect the validity of anything. If it makes you feel better, pretend that the blocks are named things like U+05D0, and so are the letters.


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