It's hard for me to believe that the world community of Semitic scholars is so small or monolithic that there aren't differences of opinion among them. I have been almost automatically suspicious of the posts by the Semiticists opposed to encoding Phoenician; after thirty-four years in academia (longer if I count that my father was a professor when I was a youth), I have yet to see a field in which there were not differences of opinion. Admittedly, all Semiticists might agree on the nature of Phoenician (just as all chemists accept the periodic table), but the fervor exhibited here makes me wonder what the issues *really* are. I am used to seeing such fervor among academics only when there has been some unstated agenda at work. And so I wonder, are we in this list reading only one side of an internal squabble among Semiticists?

Curtis Clark        
Mockingbird Font Works        

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