On Wed, 26 May 2004 13:09:43 +0100, Michael Everson wrote:
> At 04:40 -0700 2004-05-26, Andrew C. West wrote:
> >But we're not encoding dominos per se, but rather encoding 
> >representations of domino pieces in textual contexts. Whilst 
> >pictures of domino sets are interesting, and provide useful 
> >background information, I would imagine that examples of the textual 
> >usage of domino glyphs is what is required in order for domino 
> >characters to be accepted for encoding by the UTC and WG2.
> Be serious. It doesn't take a genius to see that if people are using 
> domino characters in text descriptions of domino rules and play and 
> that there will be a need for all the major varieties. The 15- and 
> 18-tile sets are used in tournament play. Just because someone hasn't 
> put them on a web page (in a clumsy graphic) yet doesn't  mean that 
> it isn't *un*reasonable to wait for them to do so.

Hmm, pre-emptive encoding ... an interesting idea ... I might just have a use
for it in a proposal I'm working on.


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