Personally speaking, at this juncture, I usually yawn and hit the delete  
button when I see the word "Phoenician" on this list. The discussion has  
gone way past any sane argument.

However, Peter Kirk asked a question to which I have a response.

> ... we need to ask a more general question: should the
> UTC encode scripts for which there is a (small, in this case)
> demand but no technical justification?

Do you even have to ask this question? If so, I have to think you haven't  
been listening at all. There are technical justifications for the encoding,  
but you are either failing to listen to them, or are refusing to believe  
that some of the justifications are technical. I will not repeat any  
arguments here, I've really had enough Phoenician.

It's my personal opinion that yes, UTC *should* encode Phoenician  
precisely because there is a group of scholars and others who have  
indicated they desire its encoding and would use it, and there *are*  
technical justifications which appeal to those Phoenician proponents, even  
if you won't acknowledge them as such. It's apparent that one reason you  
won't acknowledge any technical issues is that you disagree on first  
principles and refuse to acknowledge any other needs or viewpoints than  
your own.

As far as I'm concerned, that's about the end of the discussion.

Personally speaking only, and not any official policy, and not speaking  
for any UTC member, etc,


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