James Kass wrote:

Peter Kirk wrote,

Well, maybe the rules changed with time. And there does seem to have been a reluctance to write the name of God in the new-fangled Aramaic square glyphs. But I'm sure that basically the copyists considered that they were copying exactly the same string of characters, just using different glyphs for them. They certainly would not have considered this a change to the text, just a change in how it was represented on their equivalent of paper.

http://www.hopeofisrael.net/preservation.htm ...has some good detail on the rules, but not their origin. And, it doesn't really mention palaeo-.

Just for some more confusion to add, I note that with the distaste later Pharisaic Judaism had for the Old Hebrew script, there comes a fairly well-accepted, if unsupportable, thesis that the Law was actually *originally* given in Square Hebrew ("Assyrian Script"), which was then changed/forgotten when Israel sinned, and later still restored. See http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/t08/t0805.htm for some Talmudic discussion of the matter.


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